One of the most common questions that we receive from customers thinking about getting into solar energy is what kind of solar panel output they can expect. This question is crucial because one of the most significant selling points of solar power is the electricity it generates to lower your energy costs.
There are several variables that will affect the efficiency of your solar panels, and PCS Energy has an in-depth knowledge of all of them. We tailor every solar energy system to the structural and geographical needs of the client to ensure they receive the greatest energy production possible. In this blog, we will get into the details of average solar panel output and what has an effect on your system’s energy efficiency.
How Much Power Does a Solar Panel Produce?
Before we get into the actual energy production of a single solar panel, let’s talk about some of their physical details. Every panel is made up of a series of solar cells. These cells are what actually captures the sunlight for your electricity production. Most panels are about 5.5 feet by about 3 feet wide, and there are typically 60 solar cells on any given panel. The more panels there are, the more solar cells you have, and more cells mean more power from your solar energy system.
Commercial solar technology for homes and facilities has been around for more than 100 years now, and it is always getting more efficient. The average size of solar panels has not changed much since the 1950s, but their efficiency has more than doubled in that time. Today, based on a national average, you can expect a single solar panel to capture about 18% to 20% of the sun’s energy at any given time. Now think about those numbers across an entire solar energy system and them capturing sunlight year round. Efficiency ratings will vary across manufacturers and in different areas of sunlight exposure.
At PCS Energy, we’ve made it our mission to deliver the most energy-efficient solutions for you. Take advantage of our library of services today to learn more about all of the ways that we can help you lower costs and increase efficiency.
How Much Energy Can Solar Panels Save Me on My Bills?
It is difficult to nail down an exact amount that you can expect to save. Every home or business is unique. They all use different amounts of power and operate during different times of the day. The intention of most solar energy systems is to reduce the cost of electricity bills by turning your roof or another area of property into your own solar power generator. How much money you save depends on your energy usage and when you use it.
Your solar power output will also be affected by weather conditions and the optimal placement that we recommend for your panels. Once you’ve contacted PCS Energy, we can send one of our energy auditors out for a free energy assessment of your property and energy consumption. This will give you a more personalized expectation of your predicted savings and energy usage reduction.
Most modern solar power systems connect to the existing energy grid and feed energy into it to offset a portion of the energy demands of your building. By installing solar panels, you are helping to feed the local energy grid and you are relieving some of the pressure on local power plants.
In exchange for these efforts, you will see lower utility bills every month your system is in operation. Over the years, your solar energy will pay for itself and generate a return on your investment in solar power. Our experts can give you a more exact idea of the performance you can expect once we know more about your particular situation. To learn more about solar panel output and our solar services, contact PCS Energy today.