Ameren Cash Incentives
You can get cash incentives for energy-efficient upgrades!
You can get cash incentives for energy-efficient upgrades!
Almost all of the services and products that we offer are geared towards making your facility as energy-efficient as possible. Reducing energy waste is better for the environment lowers your utility bills, and makes your workplace more productive. There are multiples ways that adopting our LED lighting solutions and process automation services that your organization will save money. In addition, there are ways to pay for these upgrades and projects through cash incentives.
Ameren Missouri is offering enhanced cash incentives to help fund energy-efficient upgrades for small business customers through the Small Business Direct Install (SBDI) program. Whether or not you are a small business customer is designated by your Ameren utility bill on the itemized page. It will be stated as a 2M or Small General Business rate class. In fact, every commercial or industrial Ameren Missouri account is eligible for Ameren rebates, and those that are 2M or Small General Business qualify for higher rebates if they use an SBDI certified company. Projects eligible for incentives include LED lighting upgrades, LED exit signs, and Smart Thermostat controllers for higher HVAC savings.
Since the program started, PCS Energy has been the #1 SBDI certified company.
Transitioning to energy-efficient technologies can actually pay for themselves with the right knowledgeable partner. Don’t miss out on these opportunities from Ameren Missouri and PCS Energy.
The experts at PCS Energy are qualified to provide a free assessment of these measures, as well as identifying other opportunities for energy savings in your operations. Ameren Missouri has partnered with companies like PCS Energy to provide their small business customers with energy saving solutions that contribute to lowering their monthly electric bills. We are a registered member of the Ameren Missouri Trade Ally Network and has won the award for Most Outstanding Small Business Services every year since the award’s inception.
What you can receive for your energy-efficiency improvements:
-Cash incentives toward the purchase of new equipment. These may cover as much 50-100% of the total installed project cost; you only end up paying the difference.
-Installation of new efficient equipment scheduled and completed at your convenience.
-Old, inefficient equipment removed from your site
-A no-hassle application process handled by an award-winning SBDI provider.
-A no-cost assessment to identify additional areas for energy use reduction that qualify for incentives in other Ameren Missouri BizSavers® programs.
-An opportunity to reduce operating costs by cutting energy use.
Adopting clean energy can provide many opportunities for your company even if you fall outside of the SBDI rate class. There are many incentive programs that are available to any size customer, and the team at PCS Energy has expertise in all of them.
-Retrofit current fixtures, install new fixtures, redesign your existing lighting.
-Ask us how we can add automation to your current systems, increase their efficiency, and have Ameren help pay for it.
-For electric motors and process equipment; any pump or fan that is currently running without speed control and is using a damper or valve to control flow should be using VFD. The payback on this equipment is typically under 1 year and creates the opportunity for significantly large returns on investment and project NPV’s.
-Compressed air, process improvements, and etc.
-Any type of new construction or rehabilitation of a property could possibly be eligible for incentives.
To learn more about the energy saving cash incentives we can help you receive, contact us today for your free assessment. Find out now how you can take advantage of these programs.